EAM Will
We are an asset management organisation that caters to the demands of modern customers for Simple, Quick, and Reliable Digital Financial Services. EAM Will is the outcome of collaborative effort between a collection of experts in their various fields of study, including financial advisers, planners, legal, and technological experts.
Will’s demands for simple preparation at reasonable prices are met by our brand, EAM, which is available to clients of all socioeconomic backgrounds. We launched a project in late 2017 to provide an easy-to-use platform for creating wills in both online and mobile settings. Before we finally launched our will-making service in April 1st, 2019, it took us nearly two years of planning, market research, and software platform development.
EAM is committed to providing high quality, one stop services, that are focused on the needs of client, as well as security services that are exceptional in every way. This is to enhanced public awareness the importance of Will’s significant.
As of today, EAM has served over 500 clients and has over 150 active agents.